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Tag: Habits

Karmic grade three

March 7, 2021

My favorite age was eight. There were twenty students in my third grade. Everyone was pretty friendly. The musical performance that year was Aladdin, and we had a young teacher.

Every other teacher had been far older. But, when the regular third grade teacher had taken half-a-year off, we studied with a long-term substitute. One gift I treasured for years was the paperback 1997 Guinness World Record book I received from her.

This year I got to revisit my favorite age and grade as a substitute teacher myself. I’ve been working as a push-in ESL substitute since, during the pandemic, the regional ESL teacher is not allowed to travel between schools. She has virtual lessons with the SLIFE student I have been brought in to help, but I provide additional help during ELA in the mornings.

I’m lucky because I get to work with a teacher who is in her final year before retirement. At the end of her 35-year career, she employs excellent classroom management and modern student-centered teaching methods. I couldn’t have been more fortunate.

I was struck by the fact that the teacher admitted that she still felt bad about having one day recently lost her temper with a student. She had said, “I just don’t know what to do with you,” referring to a student who has the habit of distracting herself and others by talking out of turn.

I couldn’t believe such a composed and effective teacher could feel so bad that she’d worry much about something she had said in class. But, I understand how easy it is to worry about emotional events at work.

In my teaching career, do I want to worry about what happens in class when I am sixty and so close to retirement? Hardly, but it is likely to happen from time to time. I could only hope to be as successful as the great teacher I have been working with these past three months.

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Juice fast

February 28, 2021

Last summer I intentionally lost fifteen pounds. But, over the winter I lost focus put all the weight back on. After a long delay, my wife finally spent several hundred dollars on a high-quality juicing machine and tried out a 10-day juice diet.

I watched her try it, not really wanting to do it the first time. But, I’m now past the half-way mark on the diet myself. I’ve lost weight and look much slimmer.

The diet works. I don’t eat bread or rice. I don’t eat sugar or dairy. On some days, I had a couple snacks of meat or nuts. Besides the vegetable juice and fruit smoothies, I drink black coffee and water. How does it work? My gut is pretty much empty, but I’m not suffering as much as if I were on a strict fast.

In addition to the mental hurdle, the juice making process is quite labor intensive. Juicing takes way longer than regular cooking. It is more expensive than my normal diet. After ten days I will have eaten 30 kilos of fruit and vegetable, which would be impossible to consume if not for the juicing machine.

My main motivator to stick out the diet is the amazing example and dedication of my wife. I count a pound lost per day and infinite blessings from her.

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How deleting one app saved my mind

August 28, 2020

It may seem ironic to discuss overuse of technology on a blog. But, if you’ve landed here through a social media portal, there’s a chance that you’re using your smartphone or tablet compulsively. A recent reader comment on SebAnswers hinted at habits with technology that verge on addictions.

I dealt with this, too. At one time, I would reflexively take my smartphone out of my pocket every time I sat down. This wasn’t even the worst symptom of my overuse of the technology. The worst was when my last dreams upon waking in the morning were of scrolling the newsfeeds on my social media accounts. Frightening!

So, here’s my micro-habit tip. It was difficult at first, but it worked. I deleted the apps I was overusing. So, I no longer use Facebook or Whatsapp on my smartphone. 

I went back to reading my favorite news websites and blogs for the information that I wanted to keep up on. And, I even found that doing so was keeping me in the loop better than waiting for the stories to pop-up in the Facebook newsfeed. Not only that, I don’t see the targeted advertising, nor do I get distracted. For instance, if I want to read an article on or, I’ve got the blogs bookmarked.

The second thing that I did to limit my technology use was to allow myself only to check Facebook by logging into the website. This does mean that I have to log out every time I log in. That extra step of having to put my password in helped to prevent me from going to that website almost altogether.

I later would only check Facebook once a week, and then eventually once a month. I had practically lost all interest in it after the three weeks that it took to really break the habit of habitually checking the website.

Finally, I made the effort to divert my attention to my surroundings. This was the real beauty of having come to the realization that it was technology that had captured so much of my attention. 

When it came to making this change after about three years of using the Facebook app, I was able to remember that prior to having a smartphone I would wake up slowly in the morning, first hearing the sounds outside my bedroom, and then lie still until I really had to get up. And, I wanted to have that feeling again. 

Nowadays, I don’t actually sleep in that much, but thankfully, I don’t have to wake up to an alarm. 

The second thing I have tried is reading ebooks on my phone. Apart from having read two full ebooks, I just don’t think to open those apps even though there are books I’d like to finish on them. For that reason, I’ve recently ordered paperbacks through the mail. 

Perhaps my one weakness now is podcasts, but at least I don’t stare at the device when I’m listening to them. 

Life without technology came very abruptly earlier this month when storms blew over trees and took out the electricity. First, it was for five days just about three weeks ago, and again yesterday afternoon to midday today. 

The experience was refreshing, and my family adapted quickly. However, to my wife’s particular disappointment, we couldn’t have showers. Even she had hot baths when she lived without indoor plumbing in Vietnam. 

Of course, it’s easier to live without electricity in the summer. One evening that week without power, we had a nice campfire. But, in winter, even with a wood-burning stove in the house, when the power goes out, it feels cold five steps away from the fireplace. 

Although the storms that brought the power outages were brief, lasting only a couple of hours, the fallen trees obstructing roads that were not cleared for weeks was an odd sight to become accustomed to. Furthermore, the frequency and ferocity of the storms are evidence of our planet’s warming.

To conclude, we don’t have to wait for extreme weather to force us to turn away from our screens, we can do so very simply by deleting one app at a time.

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