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Juice fast

February 28, 2021

Last summer I intentionally lost fifteen pounds. But, over the winter I lost focus put all the weight back on. After a long delay, my wife finally spent several hundred dollars on a high-quality juicing machine and tried out a 10-day juice diet.

I watched her try it, not really wanting to do it the first time. But, I’m now past the half-way mark on the diet myself. I’ve lost weight and look much slimmer.

The diet works. I don’t eat bread or rice. I don’t eat sugar or dairy. On some days, I had a couple snacks of meat or nuts. Besides the vegetable juice and fruit smoothies, I drink black coffee and water. How does it work? My gut is pretty much empty, but I’m not suffering as much as if I were on a strict fast.

In addition to the mental hurdle, the juice making process is quite labor intensive. Juicing takes way longer than regular cooking. It is more expensive than my normal diet. After ten days I will have eaten 30 kilos of fruit and vegetable, which would be impossible to consume if not for the juicing machine.

My main motivator to stick out the diet is the amazing example and dedication of my wife. I count a pound lost per day and infinite blessings from her.

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